As I reflect back on my 2010, I have to say, it was a very good year. I had a lot of great times with friends, traveled a lot, and athletically I hit a few milestones as well - I finished my first half ironman race, I did my first 10 mile race, even did my first stand alone 5k. I guess that shows I have really be trying to work on hating running less, and it really is working out for me. My goals for 2011 are the same as when I began this blog, train more consistently, get faster, and blog about it. I know I can improve those things since I started this blog 2.5 months ago, especially on the blogging side. Let’s aim for a blog post/week.
As for training, I was spotty in December – I did the JATW 10k, then I ran with friends for an unofficial Christmas Light Run (complete with jumping picture with Sandy), I swam in NJ the day after Christmas, and then I did a few work outs in a row the last week of December. On Tuesday, I got on my trainer since the first time since last winter, and worked out for an hour. I am still looking for actual trainer work outs, but I tried to mix in a few minutes of higher intensity with a few minutes recovery and then a few minutes of single leg spinning, etc. Man, I am really out of biking shape. Wednesday, I went to track workout at Washington and Lee, but I didn’t have an easy time of making it an actual track workout since I was sore from the day before, so it was more of a run around the track than a track workout, but hey, at least I got 5 miles under my belt. Then on Thursday, Sandy and I were able to convince each other to swim despite individually not wanting to do it ourselves. It was a funny phenomenon that you take two people looking for excuses to not go to the pool and then put them together and the result is actually convincing each other to swim. I put in a good 2550 yards and felt really good.
Then my last workout of 2010 was a bit of cross training – I went snowboarding for the first time ever. I went with people who all knew what they were doing in the snow, so I was the only newbie, but I really enjoyed it. Below, enjoy some action shots.
Although I guess the REAL last workout was actually my favorite type for workout – booty shakin! I went to a great NYE party with a bunch of tri friends danced all over the place and enjoyed ending 2010 on a high note and starting off 2011 surrounded by great people and looking forward to a year full of possibilities.
All photos copyright Kevin Markham, 2010-2011